Ultima modifica: 2 luglio 2016

Malara N.A., Navarra G. (2007b). A task aimed at leading teachers to promoting a constructive early algebra approach

Malara N.A., Navarra G. (2007b). A task aimed at leading teachers to promoting a constructive early algebra approach. In Pitta Pantazi, D. & Philippou, G. (eds) Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Society for research in Matematics Edication. CD-ROM. Larnaka, Cipro. 1925-1934.
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We tackle the issue of how teachers can be led to acquire conceptions and models of behaviours suitable to foster among pupils a constructive and linguistic approach to the algebra since primary school. We propose a model of structured task, as a connected set of questions addressed to teachers and centred at the analysis of activities and pupils’ productions as well as on the design of classroom discussions. This task is made of operative and critical reflection activities, aimed at favouring the development of predictive and interpretive thinking by teachers, with respect to pupils’ behaviours. We briefly report on some results of its use in teacher training.